Monday, January 10, 2011

Random drawings

For the record, I did these in December just playing around with my imagination, stretching it a little to see how these flowers would look if they are given colours that are out of this world:

Feathers - I always thought they would make great designs on clothing.

Drawings made from a book on Chinese artifacts in the Shang Dynasty. One way to learn about history or anything you are interested in is through drawing. Of course one must like to draw to start with.

In my next life, I want to be either a botanist or a historian. Then again an architect, a photo journalist for National Geographics are also attractive options. If I may ask for more, then perhaps an artist, a singer but never a doctor, a lawyer or an accountant because I would have fainted at the sight of blood, got sick of arguing with people or just simply have migraines looking at numbers.

Bukit Timah Hill

Somewhere there is Bukit Timah Hill hidden behind a leaf I had found interesting to draw earlier. If you look for the familiar communication towers, the body of water that had filled up over the years in the abandoned granite quarry and the craggy face of the exposed hill now covered by pockets of vegetation, this drawing might finally make sense.