Sunday, June 7, 2009

Details, I love details

Whenever I need to have 'me-time', I draw because that is the time when I am just totally at peace with myself and the world. The more engrossed I am, the darker my drawings become. It is as if every stroke, every pen mark represents the intensity of my thoughts that are all concentrated on the subject that I happen to be drawing. Unlike the drawings of people walking around where there was no time to go into details and my thoughts were fleeting, touch-and-go like, this drawing is more intense because the subject is a photo of flowers. It is static and it had my attention for as long as I was willing to spend time studying its form and appearance.
Photo of the Kopsia singapurensis in 'Gardenwise' (Jul 2009 issue) publication of the Singapore Botanic Gardens.


alicesg said...

Wow you are really very good in your drawings. You should start printing your own books with the beautiful flowers you photograph and the drawings you sketch. Very good indeed.

Mableinsingapore said...

blush, blush, pai se leh. These drawings are just to mark my passage through time. For publication, there are uncountable talents on the net alone. Thanks Alice, what you think of my photos and drawings are good enough to help me sustain these hobbies of mine. Have a good weekend! PC Fair again, maybe we will bump into each other there heheh...

alicesg said...

Hi Mable, my sons will be there tomorrow, have not make up my mind to go there yet, cause am nursing tired feet from a musuem visit today with the entire siblings (they took leave to spend time with the kids for school holiday.)

Mableinsingapore said...

Went today! The real frenzy probably starts on the last day.