Friday, May 29, 2009


This pond holds happy fish that are free to swim anywhere within its boundaries. They have no fear of being caught or eaten. They are able to reach old age without disturbances and there is no worry of where food is coming from as they are well taken care of. I like to watch them and freeze their lives at precise moments with the camera and then to play around with the colours, the tones and experiment at framing the subjects in a way that reflects what I was thinking about when I snapped the pictures.
This one above is my favourite because it shows depth and makes me aware of the two dimensions of space - inside and outside the water surface, the dividing plane being the reflection of the plants above and the floating twigs on the water.
I wanted a couple - a big, strong and regal fish and its consort.
I thought the reflection of the cloud interesting and as soon as a fish swam into view I took this picture because at that moment it felt like the fish was entering a heavenly realm.
I was not going to take this shot until I saw my own reflection and thought I should also be a part of nature and took the shot before the fish swam out of view.

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